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Acne Treatment in Melbourne
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What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that can occur at any age, but is commonly experienced during the teenage years. Acne occurs when the pores of your skin become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Hormonal changes, certain diet and lifestyle factors can trigger oil production, leading to an increased risk of acne.

To prevent future breakout and minimise scarring, acne should be treated promptly.

At MediDermic we combine our acne treatment with cosmeceutical skincare and treatments. This helps alleviate acne outbreaks, unclogging pores and targeting the Propionibacterium bacteria.

We can begin treating acne scars if acne is under control, as outbreaks can result in the production of new formation scars.

Microdermabrasion Resurfacing
Book your complimentary consultation so we can assist you to the appropriate treatment.

What Causes Acne Scars to Form?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just severe or picked acne that causes scarring. Acne scarring can manifest even from mild comedonal acne (commonly known as blackheads) in certain individuals. That’s why it’s crucial to keep a watchful eye for early signs of scarring, such as minor indentations in the skin. Taking proactive steps towards treatment at this stage can prevent lasting damage.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a condition where the skin changes to a brown or red colour, is often mistaken for scarring. However, it’s simply a temporary change in skin colour that typically resolves with time. As we age, the natural thickness of our skin’s collagen and fat layers decrease, which can make scars appear more pronounced. This is a common reason why scarring may seem to worsen over time.

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Advance Treatment For Acne And Acne Scarring
1. Fotona FRAC3®Laser

Frac3®Laser is non-invasive, no downtime and an advance option to treat acne precisely controlled Nd:YAG laser light safely penetrates into skin to effectively target overactive sebaceous glands and to reduce the risk of developing new acne inflammation.

Skin Treatment Melbourne

FOR ACTIVE ACNE Fotona’s laser treatment reduces acne inflammation through photoselective absorption and controlled heating effects

3. Fotona Er:YAG Laser - FOR ACNE SCARS

Er:YAG is used to remove micron-thin layers of skin so that new skin can form in its place. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser resurfacing allows to be easily controlled. The laser gently vaporizes the acne-scarred surface of the skin so that undamaged skin below is revealed.

Skin Treatment
Acne Treatment
4. Dermapen4 skin needling

Involve reducing bulky scar tissue with targeted microneedling, activating regulated collagen to either flatten or plump the scarred region. Skin needling accelerates cellular turnover to force out embedded congestion and enhance the activation and infusion of combination therapies.

Before & After Photos
MediDermic Signature Teen Acne Facial (For Moderate Acne)

Treatment involves double cleanse, steam, extracting whiteheads or blackheads, LED and serums

$159 (discount applies for students 10%)
T&C’s Apply. 

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How chemical peels help alleviate acne?

Melbourne practice tailored to each individual scar, ensuring that our patients receive the most effective care for their unique needs.

Acne Treatments
Cosmeceutical Skincare

Homecare regime is important for acne management on a day-to-day basis. This should continue even after your breakouts have cleared for ongoing maintenance.This should be maintained even after your breakouts have healed to prevent future breakout and scarring.

Blue Anti-Bacterial

LED Light Therapy

LED is a non-invasive procedure without any downtime and no side effects. Blue LED’s are ideally positioned to provide a purifying anti-bacterial effect on the surface of the skin, eradicating the bacteria that causes inflammation during breakouts. It also reduces pore size and balancing sebum production. For best results we highly recommend multiple sessions.

Chemical Peels

Our clinically correct peels stimulate significant cell turnover. Chemical peel also regulates oily skin and dilated pores. It helps unblocking oil, dead skin or bacteria.It is suitable for all skin types with no social downtime.


Microdermabrasion treatment minimizes the appearance of whiteheads and blackheads creating a smoother look on the skin's surface.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several ways acne treatments can help benefit your skin. Acne treatments provide minimal interference with your daily routine. Since they are designed to have little to no downtime, you can return to your everyday activities almost immediately after a session

Not only that, but acne treatments also provide maximum comfort during treatment. The practitioner can prioritise your comfort throughout the entire treatment process, allowing you to relax while they work on improving your skin. Acne treatments are also non-invasive, so there is no need for lengthy or complicated procedures.


At MediDermic, we pride ourselves on our efficient yet effective treatments. We strive to make your experience with us as convenient and straightforward as possible. Delivering excellent scar removal outcomes is what our practitioners live by. We employ state-of-the-art laser technology and advanced Chemical peels serve as a potent solution in combating acne. They work by meticulously exfoliating the skin’s uppermost layer. This process helps unclog pores and effectively eradicates pigmentation that typically arises from acne outbreaks.

The chemical peels we offer at MediDermic are each formulated with potent solutions and range in intensity from gentle to moderate, optimally designed to cater to varying severities of acne and scarring.

Relying on our extensive knowledge, we can suggest the most suitable peel for your unique situation. Our recommendations are based on the intensity of your acne flare-ups and the extent of any accompanying scarring.


You can anticipate seeing some noticeable improvement in your skin as early as 4 to 6 weeks following your acne treatment. However, for your skin to fully recuperate and for the acne to completely clear, it might take up to 3 months.

We suggest patients to remain consistent with their prescribed treatment for a substantial period to truly assess its efficacy. Frequently alternating between different acne treatments could cause unwarranted irritation to your skin, leading to breakouts.


Absolutely. Laser treatment for acne is not only safe, but it’s also accurate, quick, and highly efficient. Compared to traditional methods like chemical peels and dermabrasion, lasers offer unmatched precision in targeting acne. So, you can rest assured of safety and comfort with our laser acne scar treatments at our clinic in Melbourne such as Fotona or Dermapen; Skin needling.


The number of sessions required varies based on the nature and severity of your scars, as well as the degree of improvement you desire. Generally, for depressed acne scars, we usually recommend a minimum of six treatments. Remember, collagen remodelling, a key part of the healing process, takes time to see the best results.

Since the number of sessions depends on different factors, we recommend consulting our practitioner for a scar assessment to get a better idea of the number of sessions you need.


At MediDermic, we employ a tailored acne scar treatment in Melbourne that’s unique to your needs whilst keeping all the safety measures in place. Book your consultation with one of our practitioners and let us make your acne scar treatment in Melbourne hassle-free.

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Non-surgical lifting with 98% clinical effectiveness and 95% customer satisfaction.

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